What we Believe

We are a member church of a group of U.S. and Canadian churches together called the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA). Through that organization, we are connected to Christians around the world.
Here’s what “CRC” means:
- “Christian” means that we are followers of Jesus Christ. “Christ” is a title that means that God chose His Son Jesus to carry out the plan to save us sinners and a broken world. That plan is still unfolding through the work of God’s Holy Spirit in and through us.
- “Reformed” means that we trace our roots back to the Protestant Reformation in Europe during the 15- and 1600s, and from there back to the first few hundred years of Christianity after Jesus. There was a Reformation because people realized that the Roman Catholic teachings and practices of the time did not agree with what the Bible actually taught.
- “Church” means that we are a spiritual community that exists to do God’s work in His world.
Put that all together as “Christian Reformed Church,” and that means we are a member church of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. This was originally a Dutch immigrant denomination begun in 1857, but it has diversified greatly in the past 50 years.
The official teachings of the CRC can be found here:

Here are some basic Reformed teachings and some of the Bible verses on which those teachings are based:
We are saved by God’s grace alone, in Jesus Christ alone, through faith alone (Ephesians 2:1-10). Our guide for what to believe and how to live is the Bible alone (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21). We should live for God’s glory alone! (Revelation 1:4-6)
The universe was created good (Genesis 1:31), human beings were and are responsible for it being opened to evil (Genesis 3, Romans 3:9-20), but God through Jesus offers a rescue (Luke 24:46-48, Romans 5:6-11), and will remake the world as it should be (Revelation 21:1-5).
We also emphasize God’s sovereignty and His choice of His own for salvation (Romans 8:28-30). That means that we don’t have to be worried about losing our salvation, because God is faithful!