
The New Hope Church Story
New Hope Church started in 2008 from a merger of First Christian Reformed Church of Lansing, IL, who met in the building since 1919, and New Community Christian Reformed Church, a church meeting in Hammond, IN.
New Hope’s first pastor was the Rev. Ildefonso Torres, and he, his family, and the other members helped launch a new and re-energized ministry at the corner of Lake and Lange in Lansing, IL.
In 2013, Rev. Torres retired, and Rev. Daniel Roels was called to continue God’s good work here.
We have now become a congregation including people with many different spiritual backgrounds:
- Some people who never before believed much in God let alone were part of a church community.
- Others grew up going to church but haven’t attended in years and are now making Jesus personal.
- A few have become followers of Jesus from other religions.
- Some have previously been Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, or Christians of other backgrounds.
- And others have been believers and faithful life-long members.
At New Hope Church, they have all found a place to grow their faith and life in Jesus.
We are now a growing congregation and are becoming increasingly racially diverse. Every country of origin of our members is represented by a flag in the worship space, and nine different languages-of-origin are spoken among us. God is bringing the nations of the world and the various races in this area together under Jesus!
What kind of church are we?
We are a member church of a group of U.S. and Canadian churches together called the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA). To learn more about what that means, click here.