Vision & Mission
Our Vision
(Who we want to be)
To bring a diverse community into a growing relationship with God and one another.
is focused on racial diversity, but includes and implies socio-economic, cultural, ability, and age diversity as well.
means both the region near the church building, but also all the communities in which our members live.
means that, until heaven, God is never done shaping us into who He wants us to be. He does that through our RELATIONSHIPS with Him and others.
Our Mission
(How to carry out the vision)

means that we reach out to non-believers, seekers, and un-churched believers

means that we help them become fully-devoted followers of Jesus.

means that we train people how to live for God as part of His church and in their daily lives.

means that we use our spiritual gifts to obey God’s Holy Spirit & bless our communities & families.
Our Core Values
(To sum up how we are following Jesus right here right now)